
Winter Skin Care tips from Bravia Dermatology

The weather is getting colder.  Heaters are running, and the air is less humid.  And maybe a hot bath or shower sounds nice?  It's really the perfect storm to aggravate dry or sensitive skin.  Dr. Matthew Molenda, a board-certified dermatologist at Bravia Dermatology recommends the following winter skin care tips.

1. Bathe with lukewarm water.   Avoid hot showers and try to bathe with cooler water.  Although hot showers may feel good, and can temporarily relieve the itch associated with dry skin while the water is beating down, they actually make the problem worse. Hot water temporarily distracts the itch receptors on the skin, but it also strips away more of your body’s natural oils and protective barrier, causing dry skin.  

2. Avoid scented soaps.  Scented soaps can really dry out the skin, and sensitive skin can even develop allergies to some of the fragrances.  Instead, use a fragrance-free moisturizing cleanser.   

3. Avoiding aggressive scrubbing of the skin. In fact, you only need to use cleanser on “dirty” and “sweaty” areas, such as the armpits and underwear area.

4. Applying a ceramide-containing, fragrance-free moisturizer. Do this immediately after bathing while your skin is still damp. This helps the moisturizer trap in the moisture from the shower.

5. Pay special attention to problem areas. These include the legs, arms and upper back, where hot water from the shower hits the most often, leading to dry winter skin issues.

6. Add a humidifier to your bedroom.  Adding moisture to the air can help prevent over-drying of the skin.  It may also help with your breathing.

For additional tips on treating dry, sensitive skin, please consult a board-certified dermatologist.